Monday 18 April 2016


Pop-Art Evaluation 

For this project we were asked to create a Pop-Art image using any object we would like to create our image using Adobe Photoshop CC while various different tools and skills we learned throughout the year to create our final piece.

My idea was to create an image using one of the props I shot images and I decided to use a Skittles packet as my main object and then edited the prop while following the theme. Although I was not sure where to start, at the end I managed to create a great piece by following a tutorial on YouTube which showed me how to create my Pop-Art image.
Here is the link:

Following this tutorial I learned a lot of new skills which was part of my secondary research but I didn't follow the whole tutorial as I used some skills I already learned from our previous lessons and also followed the skills I learned from reading about Pop-Art images online and how it first started and also what makes it so popular which was part of my primary research.

This is one of the websites I went on to find out information about the history of pop art and why it is so well known as Andy Warhol brought Pop Art to the public eye as he used simple everyday objects such as Coke bottles, soup tins, and film stars to get attention from everyone which is how I found out how you can make a simple object into an amazing piece of art work.

To make sure I set up my space properly for the day of the shooting, I drew an image of how I will set up and also what props I will use to set it up.

Before I started my piece, I made a list of items I was going to take to shoot images of using a Lumix camera and the objects were- Cans of drinks, a skittles packet, a Frijj milkshake bottle, headphones, and an mp3 player. Although I was only going to choose 1 object in the end, I still shot some images of all of these objects to make sure I get the right one so I can be satisfied with my work in the end.

Here are my test shots I did to show that I learned what kind of mistakes I have made and why I did not use these images for my final piece. Even thought all the other items would be great to use, I decided to settle for the skittles packet as this has bright colours on it which stood out when the colours were changed when editing.

Throughout the making of this Pop Art image, I used a range of tools to make it the way it is. To start off I opened up a blank page and added a grainy background as I found one online. Then I added my skittles image and adjusted the contrast and brightness on the image by using the curves tool to make the image stand out more. Then I multiplied the image so the skittles would be behind the grainy background and then changed the brightness and contrast on it so it also stands out more and to make it fade a little bit. Then I added a bright green background to the skittles image to begin make it look like a Pop-Art image. After I did all that I opened another new page and added the whole image on it and pressed Alt and dragged the image to make three more copies of the same image and then pressed Ctrl+U to change all the colours on each of the skittles images making it look like a Pop-Art image. 

After I finished my whole piece, I went to print in out in an A3 size and also printed out my Proposal and test shots so I can glue them on a big piece of black paper which I used to present my work so when the level 3 Photography Tutor came in our lesson,  he could see all my work in one area. The reason he came and had a look at all our work was to choose a 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place from our whole class as he looked at how we created our work and how it ended up in the end and what kind of research we did. Although all of the other student work were amazing, I ended up in 1st place for my creation as my work was unique and he liked that the grainy bits in the corner stood out with the whole image. 

Feedback from Dan- I think that her work is great! She's really managed to capture the Pop Art theme, I like the grainy effect in the background and I think that using Skittles for her product is pretty fun. She could have duplicated the images so that there were six of them instead of four, but apart from that, Well Done!! :) 

What I think went well was that I chose a great object to use as the skittles already have a red bright bold colour on it which I can change and make them look even better with different bold colours by pressing Ctrl+U. What I could improve would be to make 6 images of the skittles in different colours rather than 4 as Dan said when he gave me some feedback which I agree on. But other than that I think I did well with all my editing especially with the grainy background which was unique from the other student work which is what I would keep the same if I could change it. 


These are the screenshots I took when creating my pop art final image and here I will explain what tools I used to create my piece and what I did to make it perfect. 

First I created an A4 page to start off and then I went on to images>image rotation> 90 degrees clockwise to turn it on its side.

After I created a blank page and turned it clockwise, I went online and got an image of a gritty texture which I wanted to use to give it a better effect.

Before I added my object to the main page, I had it on a separate page so I can edit the object making it have a better effect. To do this I went on to the curves tool and changed the shadow and brightness on the image and then I made sure that the background was really white which helped me to create my final image.

Then I added the edited skittles image on to the main page and made sure when I add another image to the page what the object will not cover the gritty texture so I selected multiply on the skittles image which make the gritty texture go in front of the object without blocking it.

I felt like the gritty texture was too much so I went on to the levels tool and changed the contrast on the image making the texture darker to make it stand out more and also increasing the brightness so the texture dissolves on the corner.

Before finishing the image I flattened it so all the layers would join as one. Then I copied the image and pasted on to the new page.

Over here is the new page I started to create, making sure the resolution was 150 pixels and then I pasted the edited object with the gritty texture.

When that was done I pressed alt and dragged the image to make another copy to start making my pop art image.

Then using the technique I copied three more images and placed then in a row of two.

To make my image look like a real Pop-Art image I pressed Ctrl+U to open up the Contrast/Saturation tab.

By using the Contrast/Saturation tab I could change the colour of my object on each box by moving the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness bars so I made each one a different colour.

To make it easier I added a green background over the skittles and then changed all the colours on each object so the background would also be a different colour. 

After all that,  I finished my final image and then printed it out as an A3 page which turned out well as it looked like a nice Pop-Art image.

Monday 21 March 2016

Pop-Art Proposal


This assignment has a theme of Pop-Art which is an image or a piece of artwork of an everyday object that is made to look colourful using bright and intense colours with clear lines and sharp paintwork. It is about capturing images or paining artwork which represents the media and culture of the modern day such as a cola bottle or Marilyn Monroe in the 1960's and Pop-art was first introduced in the 1950's but it became popular in the 1960's as it started in the UK but soon became a true art movement in New York City with different artists such as Andy Warhol and Jasper.

Our assignment is to create a Pop-Art image using any everyday objects we would like such as a can of soup, Cola bottle, etc. We are asked to bring in at least 5 objects which we would consider using to create our final pop-art image. 

My 5 objects that I will bring for my next lesson to shoot will be 3 cans of drinks which will be Coke, Sprite, and Fanta in one shoot, second object will be sweets such as skittles, in a different shoot, Packets of Walkers crisps, an mp3 player, and a bottle of Frijj milkshake all objects in different shots. I decided to use these objects because all of them are colourful or have colourful packaging which will make my pop art image really bright as I can increase the contrast and decrease or increase the brightness. 

When I finish doing my shoot, I will have to move on to Photoshop to create my Pop-Art image and the tools I will have to use to create this will be the pen tool which will be used to cut out my object to get rid of the background so I can add any background I want. If the background has no shadows or any other object behind it, I could use the Magic Wand tool which is used to also get rid of the background but only in a quicker way which only works if the background has one colour. I could use to Curves and Levels tool to make my image brighter or darker and change the contrast if I need to improve my image and add a bright colour for my background such as orange or green giving it a good Pop-art effect. After I do all this I will press Alt and hold on to the image of my object and then I will paste it on to the same page so I can have 6 of the same image on one page. Doing this will create the pop-art effect but just to make it better I will change the colour of each image making it look like a real pop-art image. 

Here is how I will set up and here are the props I will use which are: Lights such as a red head, camera to shoot my images, tripod to support the camera, white sheet of paper for the background, and my object which will be used to edit on Adobe Photoshop CC.

Monday 14 March 2016

Test Shots

Test Shots

These are the 10 images I shot to create a Pop-Art poster from different objects which were cans of drinks, an mp3 player, headphones, skittles, and a Frijj milkshake. I chose to bring in these items because all of them have bright colours on them which stand out and will help me make my final Pop-Art poster better as the different colours will stand out. 
The ISO on these images is 100 because I needed the images to be bright and exposed and as we were shooting inside the ISO was set low while it was on a tripod. The aperture was on f 8.0 so I can focus the camera on a specific object while the background is blurry which can help me edit my image better as it can be easier for me to crop the background while the object is in high quality and is in focus. 
Some of these images will not be good enough for me to use, such as the image with the three cans of drinks on the second row is tilted, and the other image with the three cans at the bottom is too bright for me to use as I need images that are sharp and clear. Also the Frijj bottle will be hard to edit as there is a shadow in the background which I will have to cut out if I choose this image.
Although some of these images will not be used, some of them are really good such as the skittles packet and the mp3 player because they are bright coloured, without any blur, and they are sharp and clear which is good to use for a Pop-Art image. 
While all of these are test shots, I will choose one or two of these images to edit and to create my final Pop-Art poster.

Monday 7 March 2016

Pop-Art Research

What is Pop-Art?

Pop-art was first introduced in the 1950's but it became popular in the 1960's as it started in the UK but soon became a true art movement in New York City with different artists such as Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns. Also pop-art was used to paint or take images of everyday objects and then making then very colourful using bright and intense colours so they would stand out. These objects include tomato soup, shoes, a toy duck, and drink bottles. Some objects were shot to advertise their brand as it brought everyone's attention from the genre they used which made them want to buy their product.                                                                                  
There were some famous pop art artists who brought this genre to life such as Keith Haring who is a New York artist and is famous for his cartoon like outlined pictures of people doing different things as his art was inspired by graffiti. Another famous pop art artist is David Hockney who is considered one of the most famous and important English artists of the 20th century as he played a major role in the development in pop art. The third famous pop art artist is named Jasper Johns who is famous for painting the American flag and paining the map of the United States as well as a paining with only numbers on them which was named "Numbers in colours"

The features of Pop Art artwork are having clear lines, sharp paintwork and clear presentation of symbols people, and objects found in popular culture. Pop Art artists were looking for inspiration from the world around them and making artwork from everyday objects around them and artwork about the media around them.

Pop-Art is capturing images or paining artwork which represents the media and culture of the modern day such as a cola bottle or Marilyn Monroe in the 1960's. Today pop up artists would create artwork which represents 2016 such as an X Box controller,

These are the props I will use when I shoot my objects

There are different kinds of images using the theme of pop art and here are 10 images which include it:

Monday 29 February 2016

Pop-Art Objects

Everyday Objects

After I got a better understanding of the genre of Pop-Art artwork, I gained a few ideas of what I could use to create my Pop-art work for tmy photography lesson. Here they are listend below:

  1. Cans of drinks (Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Etc)
  2. Xbox controller
  3. Headphones 
  4. Mp3 player
  5. Ketchup bottle
  6. Crisp packets
  7. Sweets/Chocolate (Skittles packet, m&m's, Reeces Pieces, etc)
  8. Frijj Milkshake